Professor Stephanie Marshall
Vice-Principal (Education), Queen Mary University, London, UNITED KINGDOM
I am delighted to endorse the TP21 teaching portfolio portal. It is an amazingly helpful innovation that I’m confident will prove a great asset, globally, to all those seeking to document and evidence the impact of their teaching. I really commend this website to the growing community of practice working to ensure they present themselves as individuals engaged in on-going reflective and development activities. An excellent contribution to support the professionalization of teachers!
Professor Stephen Marshall
University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
As one of the developers of the U21 Teaching Standards Framework I am delighted to see the framework being put to such great use. I have always believed that this is where the value of the framework truly lies, in helping individuals to conceptualise and think critically about their own teaching.
Professor Jim Pounder
Pro Vice Chancellor (T&L), Fiji National University, FIJI
I welcome the development of TP21. To my knowledge this is the first of its kind and a ground-breaking initiative. The site contains a variety of resources useful for preparing a high quality teaching portfolio for whatever purpose a teaching faculty member has in mind. In sum, this is an excellent initiative, long overdue and Professor Bilbow is to be congratulated for producing such a valuable tool for university teachers.
The Teaching Portfolio as Evidence of Reflective Teaching
in International Higher Education
We all need to write a teaching portfolio at one time or another during our lives as academics, whether it’s for an application for a new job, for a promotion or contract renewal, for a teaching award nomination or for an application for fellowship of a professional body, such as the Higher Education Academy in the UK. Some people also choose to create a teaching portfolio as a tool for on-going self-reflection, allowing them to document and reflect upon their attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to enhance their teaching.
The TP21 website is a resource to support anyone preparing for the task of creating a teaching portfolio. Some of the support it contains is in the form of information and advice about the process of writing a teaching portfolio. This includes links to the websites of a variety of universities around the world, and samples of authentic teaching portfolios from a range of disciplines. Another important resource it contains is a series of discussion forums, where registered users can seek the help of their peers around the world, and in turn provide help to others. Finally, the website contains a secure upload feature, which allows registered users to securely upload extracts from their teaching portfolios for individual feedback from myself and my colleagues.
For many academics, their teaching portfolios need to take account of relevant local or national teaching standards frameworks, such as the Professional Standards Framework, which underpins fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, or the new Universitas 21 Teaching Standards Framework. Both of these frameworks are explained in this website.
If you are looking for assistance with creating your own teaching portfolio or you are keen to help those who are facing this challenge, please register with TP21 by clicking the ‘Register’ button at the bottom of this screen.