Briefing 8
Designing Effective Intercultural Groupwork
This briefing aims to provide some recommendations on the design of intercultural groupwork. These recommendations are formulated on the basis of the following sources of input: literature review, input from a student-led Teaching and Learning Forum in November 2016, input collected from over 60 colleagues in two workshops in May 2017, and interviews and informal discussions with six teachers who have adopted intercultural groupwork strategies. The recommendations are organised in four sections: (1) designing tasks; (2) preparing students; (3) facilitating interactions; and (4) assessment. Additionally, some notions in dealing with different competences among group members are discussed.
Author(s): Tracy Zou, Grahame Bilbow, Miranda Legg and Gray Kochhar-Lindgren
Published date: January 29, 2018
Themes: Intercultural groupwork, Assessment design
Cite this item
Zou, T.X.P., Bilbow, G.T., Legg, M., & Kochhar-Lindgren, G. (2017). Designing Effective Intercultural Groupwork. Hong Kong: Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong. Retrieved from
Author(s): Tracy Zou, Grahame Bilbow, Miranda Legg and Gray Kochhar-Lindgren
Published date: January 29, 2018
Themes: Intercultural groupwork, Assessment design
Cite this item
Zou, T.X.P., Bilbow, G.T., Legg, M., & Kochhar-Lindgren, G. (2018). A Brief Guide to Designing Intercultural Groupwork. Hong Kong: Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong.. Retrieved from