Briefing 11
Unpacking the Global Mindset: Mastering Intercultural Competence as a Graduate Attribute

As we recognise our world is an increasingly complex web of connections and interdependencies, the internationalisation of higher education has become an inevitable response to future job landscape and global challenges. We believe future graduates have to be nurtured as global citizens and realise their ‘global self’ in a borderless world (Jackson, 2010). In other words, it is essential for us to train students, with the social consciousness and intercultural intelligence, to become compassionate global individuals who are capable and responsible for engaging with the cultural others. We therefore see global mindedness as a crucial element for our global-ready graduates.

1. Unpacking the Global Mindset: Mastering Intercultural Competence as a Graduate Attribute

Author(s): Nicole Lai and Beatrice Chu
Published date: December 15, 2019
Themes: Global citizenship, Intercultural competence, Intercultural classroom

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Lai, N. & Chu, B. (2019, Dec 15). Unpacking the Global Mindset: Mastering Intercultural Competence as a Graduate Attribute. Retrieved from

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