Briefing 5
What Matters in Becoming a Leading International University? The Case of the University of Hong Kong
This briefing is an adapted and shortened version of a book chapter which originally appeared as Postiglione, G.A. (2014). What matters in global outreach? The case of the University of Hong Kong. In Y. Cheng, Q. Wang, N.C. Liu (Eds.) How World-Class Universities Affect Global Higher Education: Influences and Responses (pp. 163-175). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. It is reproduced by the kind permission of the author, the book editors, and the publisher.
Author(s): Gerard A. Postiglione
Published date: June 24, 2016
Themes: Internationalisation, Higher education
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Postiglione, G.A. (2016, Jun 24). What matters in becoming a leading international university? The case of the University of Hong Kong. Retrieved from