We have been adopting a scholarly approach to both cultivating our community of practice and studying conceptions of internationalisation of teaching and learning. Below shows our publications that are directly generated from this project.
Currently we have the following:
Journal Papers
- Zou, T.X.P., Law, L.Y.N., Chu, B.C.B., Lin, V., Ko, T., & Lai, N.K.Y. (2020). Developing academics’ capacity for internationalizing the curriculum: A collaborative autoethnography of a cross-institutional project. Journal of Studies in International Education. Online advance publication. doi:
- Zou, T.X.P., Chu, B.C.B., Law, L.Y.N., Lin, V., Ko, T., Yu, M., & Mok, P.Y.C. (2019). University teachers’ conceptions of internationalisation of the curriculum: A phenomenographic study. Higher Education.
- Zou, T.X.P., & Yu, J. (2019). Intercultural interactions in Chinese classrooms: A multiple-case study. Studies in Higher Education.
Conference Presentations / Papers / Posters
- Lin, V., Zou, T., Law, L., Chu, B., Ko, T. & Lai, N. (2019, July). Decoding the metalanguage of internationalisation in higher education: A study in Hong Kong. Poster presented at The 7th European Conference on Education, London, U.K.
- Zou, T.X.P. (2019, July). Enhancing intercultural interactions in classroom learning. Paper presented at The First Chinese Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
- Chui, C.K. (2019, July). The establishment of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing – Leveraging students’ role as leaders for teaching, research and knowledge exchange of cutting-edge technologies. Paper presented at The First Chinese Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
- Lee, A. (2019, July). Students as partners in innovation learning and teaching – Case studies in Mainland and Hong Kong universities. Paper presented at The First Chinese Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
- Chan, J.K.Y. (2019, July). Constructivist approach and use of social media for student learning in higher education. Paper presented at The First Chinese Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
- Lin, V., Zou, T., Law, L., Chu, B., Ko, T., Yu, M. & Mok, P. (2018, December). Building capacity for tertiary teachers in internationalisation of teaching and learning: A communities-of-practice approach. Poster presented at The Co-Constructing Excellence: Recognising, Scaffolding and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong, China.
- Zou, T.X.P., & Yu, Y.Y. (2018, August). Intercultural interactions in Chinese classroom. Poster presented at The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special Interest Groups 4 (EARLI SIG 4) Higher Education Conference: Topography of research on higher education: Promoting deep conversations, Giessen, Germany.
- Zou, T.X.P. (2018, August). Towards building a community of teaching and learning in a research-intensive university. Poster presented at The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special Interest Groups 4 (EARLI SIG 4) Higher Education Conference, Giessen, Germany.