Emeritus Professor Betty Leask
Prof. Betty Leask is an Emeritus Professor in the Internationalisation of Higher Education at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Betty is an internationally renowned researcher and thought leader on internationalisation of the curriculum and higher education whose work bridges theory and practice in unique ways. She has a broad range of experience in universities, most recently as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic at La Trobe University. She has been a Senior Australian Teaching Fellow since 2010. In 2015 she was awarded the IEAA Excellence Award for Distinguished Contribution to International Education and in 2016 the European Association for International Education (EAIE) Tony Adams Award for Excellence in Research. Betty is also Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Studies in International Education, the leading journal in the field, and an Honorary Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation at Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan.