Celebrations Congratulations to all the Teaching Award Winners 2015. We are especially grateful to Prof. Rick Glofcheski and Dr. Michael Botelho for accepting our invitation to interview, [...]
What is your experience in adopting assessment for learning strategies? What benefits do you see in assessment for learning? What challenges have you encountered or anticipated? (Definition of [...]
Each discipline speaks its specialized and technical language which outsiders may not easily comprehend. After graduating from the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme more than two [...]
Assessment Special Interest Group, Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES) Assessment for learning within CAES is embedded into our assessment processes. The predominant feature of assessments [...]
Assessment is at the centre of teaching and learning. The data that emanates from a typical assessment procedure will inform the teacher how well the student had achieved with regard to the [...]
Formative assessment (FA), defined as assessment activities that provide evidence about student achievement for teachers to make decisions about the next steps in instruction (Black & Wiliam, [...]
Introduction In May 2015, CETL organized a successful international conference on Assessment for Learning in Higher Education featuring well-known keynote speakers, David Boud, Royce Sadler and [...]
Interview with Professor Rick Glofcheski (The University Distinguished Teaching Awardee 2015) Professor Rick Glofcheski is well known for his remarkable achievements and unreserved commitment to [...]
Entitled ‘Revisiting Assessment for Learning’, the present issue honours the achievements and efforts our colleagues have made in designing and implementing assessment that can enhance students’ [...]
Welcome to our Second Issue of the Teaching and Learning Connections e-newsletter! Let me start by saying how delighted I was to hear the UGC Quality Assurance Council’s glowing comments about [...]