Teaching Innovation Award (Individual)
Ms. Tanya J. Kempston, Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Education
for Hear This! A Festival of Radio Drama on Zoom
An innovative teacher doesn’t simply learn to open Breakout rooms on Zoom, but understands the importance of teaching and learning as a profoundly human shared experience involving uncertainty, struggle, frustration – and at times, joy, laughter and satisfaction too.
Diving into new types of drama together
Dr. Ming-yen Ng, Clinical Assistant Professor,
Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
for Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Courses
I like to encourage learners to be critical thinkers. I want them to ask why, what or how things are done as it helps deepen their understanding and allows them to understand the purpose of why medical practice is the way it is or sometimes to realise that this is an area of development that requires further work, research or technological development in order to improve our patients’ lives.
Trailer video of Dr Ng presenting the Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) MOOC