Date: 27 Mar 2023 (Monday)
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (HK time)
Online: Conducted via ZOOM
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (HK time)
Online: Conducted via ZOOM
“And the best poster goes to…” Be amazed and inspired by our principal investigators’ innovation and creativity in their teaching development grant (TDG) projects. Being online does not mean we cannot have exciting conversations and interactions with our peers. In fact, this is far more engaging than typical poster sessions in traditional conferences. We welcome you to join us in this brand-new poster showcase experience.
The curated posters will showcase a visual summary of completed or in-progress TDG projects. Each selected poster will be in a virtual gallery for you to read through and review to gain new teaching insights. This virtual gallery will be followed by a “Meet and Greet” with the principal investigators themselves where you can raise your questions and know more about their work. You will get the chance to pick your top 3 favourite posters for the Best Poster Award.
We look forward to seeing you in this event as we celebrate the wonderful achievements of our colleagues.
New capstone experience in undergraduate-initiated biomedical research with interdisciplinary collaboration and student-patient interactions
Dr. Joseph Y.K. Chan
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Are you Ready for your Profession: Promoting Innovative Experiential Learning for Clinical Professionalism through Reflective Practice
Dr. Letty Chan
The use of simulation lecture to enhance students’ clinical reasoning: Students perspective
Ms. Jessica Cheuk
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Are you Ready for your Profession: Promoting Innovative Experiential Learning for Clinical Professionalism through Reflective Practice
Dr. Lisa Cheung
Fostering Financial Literacy and Undergraduate Research by Backtesting of Investment Strategies
Dr. Cheryl Hiu-kwan Chui
Faculty of Social Science
Faculty of Social Science
Planting Knowledge with the HKU Digital Arboretum!
Mr. Gavin Coates
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture
Online E-Learning Database for Flipped-Classroom Tutorials on Digital Design Tools & Techniques In Architecture
Dr. Kristof Crolla
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture
Humour as a pedagogical approach to improve student engagement, enhance learning and relieve stress
Dr. Joanna W.Y. Ho
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
The Art of Teaching through Improvisation and Design Thinking
Ms. Tanya Kempston
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education
The use of simulation lecture to enhance students’ clinical reasoning: Students perspective
Dr. Veronica Lam
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Remote online teaching and learning setup for Robotic Fabrication Lab, FoA
Mr. Christian Lange
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture
Speech Therapists x ActoR Teachers (START) partnership in education
Dr. Estella Ma
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education
Mastery Testing: Empowering Students with the Necessary Tools to Make and Reach Their Goals
Dr. Alex Shum
TAL-L: Taxon I Archive I Lab – Library — Student-oriented resources for the exploration, analysis and experimentation with landscape materials
Ms. Susanne Trumpf
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture
The Art of Teaching through Improvisation and Design Thinking
Dr. Jack Tsao
Common Core
Common Core
Virtual Field Trip from East Asia to the Americas
Dr. Maria Mercedes Vázquez
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Are you Ready for your Profession: Promoting Innovative Experiential Learning for Clinical Professionalism through Reflective Practice
Mr. Albert Wong
More than a virtual laboratory: inquiry-based learning in surface chemistry
Dr. Johnny K.C. Wong
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
In Their Shoes Now – Immersive Video Gameplay for Training Medical Students’ Grief Literacy in End-of-Life Care
Mr. Ki Sum Samson Wong
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine