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Dr. Stephen Chan, Dr. Grace Ngai – Office of Service Learning, PolyU

Dr Grace Ngai and Dr. Stephen Chan were recipients of the UGC Award for Teaching 2016 (team) and the PolyU President’s Award for Services (2016). Grace graduated from Brown University and Johns Hopkins University in the US. Stephen graduated from The University of Rochester and The University of Wisconsin-Madison.

At PolyU, Grace and Stephen have successfully pioneered a number of teaching initiatives, including service-learning (SL). They have brought students on service projects in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland, Cambodia, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan and Rwanda. They proposed one of the first SL subjects at PolyU, and play key roles in the effort to support and promote PolyU’s SL initiative. Through numerous T&L projects, they have initiated workshops, seminars and salons on topics in offering, assessing and conducting scholarly work in service-learning. From 6 subjects and 200 students in 2012, as of 2016, PolyU now offers 60 service-learning subjects and numerous projects across the university for 4,000+ students each year, in Hong Kong and overseas.

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