Academic disciplines are defined as ‘cultural phenomena’ and as ‘embodied in collections of like-minded people, each with their own codes of conduct, sets of values, and distinctive intellectual [...]
Similar to what has happened with the theme of internationalisation, the discussions on interdisciplinarity cannot be fully contained within one issue of Teaching and Learning Connections. To [...]
After writing down the above title, I realised the enormous complexity contained in the topic. Both Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and interdisciplinarity are highly contested [...]
I’m here to say a few words about an exciting new UGC Teaching and Learning grant recently awarded to an interdisciplinary team I lead at HKU that spans the faculties of Arts, Architecture and [...]
One of the major goals of the common core curriculum is to promote scientific and technological literacy. The variation of academic background of the students presented a huge challenge for [...]
Before starting my usual introduction to the current issue of Teaching and Learning Connections, I should like to share some very significant news. The University has just signed a three-year [...]
In this summer, the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) organized a forum, Maximising the Impact of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) – Effective Training and Development [...]
In the simultaneously highly disconnected and highly connected context in which we now live on the planet and in Hong Kong, the stakes of higher education are becoming ever more trenchant. One [...]