Message from the Director of CETL – Susan Bridges
Dear colleagues
Welcome to this 13th issue of Teaching and Learning Connections.
At CETL, we recognise that the 2019 to 2021 academic years may well be recorded in history as the most professionally and personally challenging for teachers across all of HKU’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We trust that the CETL team has been able to support you along the way, whether with a great tip from a colleague or an insight from a global leader. I wish to thank my Assistant Directors, Drs Cecilia Chan and Luke Fryer and their teams, Dr Tracy Zou, Dr Lily Zheng, Dr Jannie Roed, Dr Ada Lee and Dr Peter Lau for their resourcefulness and amazing efforts in meeting the heightened need for university-wide support in teaching and learning.
Teaching is a vocation and colleagues across HKU have shown your dedication to our students’ learning and wellbeing. We are truly proud of you and all you have done to adapt your courses, upskill with new educational technologies, and experiment with new pedagogies in a turbulent environment. Bravo, indeed!
As 2020 draws to a close and, although 2021 remains unclear in so many ways, we wish you time to pause, rejuvenate and revitalise during the holiday season.
Wishing you and yours peace and happiness.