News in Brief (Issue #10)


  • Congratulations to a team of five HKU students (Mr Harrison LI, Mr Alan YAU, Miss Keshia KUNG, Miss Joann NG and Miss Michelle LAM) and their project adviser (Dr Mei Li KHONG, School of Biomedical Sciences, HKU) who won the Winner in the Symposium on Redesigning Student Learning Experience in Higher Education (RSLEIHE) 2019 organised by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Hong Kong Branch, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University in August 2019. Their project title was Promoting Service Learning in Higher Education by Implementing the Eczema Eradication Project (TEEP).
  • Dr. Cecilia Chan’s postgraduate student, Ms. Michelle Cheng, received the Online People’s Choice Award in the HKU Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) Competition 2019 organized by HKU Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO). Michelle’s topic was on “University Residential Hall – Far Beyond a Place to Stay” and her video presentation has received many positive responses from the audiences.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Lillian Luk on her successful PhD defense. Lillian is a postgraduate student of Dr. Cecilia Chan.

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