Editorial – Diversity and equity in internationalisation of teaching and learning – Tracy Zou

While we acknowledge HKU’s achievement as being ranked as the world’s most international university (see the news here: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/most-international-universities-world) by Times Higher Education recently, we may wish to bear in mind that the rich diversity resources on our campus brought by students and faculty members from all over the world deserve a more fully exploration by us as educators. This is because meaningful cross-cultural dialogues do not often naturally take place and can be challenging (Tran and Pham, 2015).

My experience as an editor confirms this statement. When I tried to gather articles for this issue on diversity and equity, I have fortunately received contributions from programme leaders, teachers and administrative staff members who have exploited the opportunities to provide an inclusive learning environment for their students. However, I should admit that I have also heard voices and thoughts, especially from international students on the HKU campus, regarding their experiences of being excluded from participating fully in various learning and social activities.

We therefore hope to make use of Teaching and Learning Connections as a platform to promote our message on respecting diversity and equity along our journey toward internationalisation of higher education. Below we briefly introduce the five articles in this issue, which all have touched upon embedding the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity into the curriculum or teaching practices.

International and inclusive: Intersectional teaching and learning in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong by Gina Marchetti and Elizabeth LaCouture provides a comprehensive overview on addressing the issues of inclusion, internationalisation, and intersectionality in the Gender Studies programme in the Faculty of Arts at HKU.

Incorporating experiential learning into courses across an undergraduate curriculum: The role of a community of teaching and learning by Elizabeth Barrett, Karen Chan, Estella Ma, Puisan Wong, Edwin M.L. Yiu and Gary Harfitt offers insights into how experiential learning in the local community contributes to student teachers’ learning of inclusivity and diversity, which ultimately makes more competent and ethical teachers.

Hic Rhodus, Hic Salta: The time for change is now by Dina Iordanova stresses the importance of recognising the history and challenges associated with gender equality in education and advocates for taking actions through teaching and learning practices to restore the balance.

Global world, global mind: Narratives of the University of Hong Kong Worldwide Exchange students by Ivy Lai Chun Chun analyses how HKU Worldwide Exchange Programme develops students’ multiple global and intercultural competences that will help them thrive in today’s complex society.

Civic Researcher Showcase highlights student impact on local community by Charlie Dannreuther (University of Leeds) enhances our understanding of developing students’ global competence through authentic, student-led projects and meaningful partnership with organisations in the community.

Would you like to share with us your opinion?
We are looking forward to hearing your opinions. Please email your views to us (tracyzou@hku.hk) or simply voice your opinion in the Poll through one click.

Would you like to contribute to future issues of Teaching and Learning Connections?
Please express your ideas through emails to tracyzou@hku.hk. I am happy to discuss with you and assist you in the publication process.

Preview of the next issue (Issue 10)
Issue 10 to be published in September-October, 2019 will focus on interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the new BASc programmes at HKU, the Common Core transdisciplinary initiatives, (cross-disciplinary) team-teaching approaches, and interdisciplinary learning experiences of students.

Stay tuned with us.


  • Tran, L.T., & Pham, L. (2015). International students in transnational mobility: intercultural connectedness with domestic and international peers, institutions and the wider community. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(4), 560-581.
Alice Lee
Dr. Tracy Zou

Editor of ‘Teaching and Learning Connections’
Assistant Professor
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong

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